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My Other Blogs


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Middleware Technologies Nov/Dec 2008

M.C.A. Degree Examination,Nov/Dec 2008
          Fourth Semester

Answer all the questions


1. Classify the clients based on UI.
2. What is right sizing ?
3. What are EJBs ?
4. What are the implicit services supported by EJB ?
5. Draw the life cycle of state less session bean.
6. What is an entity bean ?
7. Name any 2 products that support CORBA standard ?
8. What is an IDL ?
9. COM does not support locational transperancy. Why?
10. Who is responsible for garbage collection in COM?


11.(a).(i). How are the servers classified? Describe each type in detail ?(10)
11.(a).(ii). Write notes on gerneral purpose middleware?(6)
11.(b).(i). Explain how RPC works?(8)
11.(b).(ii). Write notes on peer to peer protocols.(8)

12.(a). Draw the architecture of EJB and explain the functions of each module.(16)
12.(b).(i). Write notes on EJB roles and responsibilities.(8)
12.(b).(ii). How do clients converse with EJBs.(8)

13.(a). How does EJB support request/response model? Write in detail.(16)
13.(b).(i). How does EJB support asynchronous communication with clients.(8)
13.(b).(ii). What are deployment decription? What are their uses? How are they implemented?(8)

14.(a).(i). Describe the layered architecture of CORBA.(8)
14.(a).(ii). Write notes on CORBA IDL.(8)
14.(b). How does a client communicate with remote object server in CORBA environment?(16)

15.(a). Compare COM and CORBA bringing out similarities and differences.(16)
15.(b),(i). Write notes on component object model.(8)
15.(b).(ii). Write about services offered by COM.(8)

Friends please send ur suggestion, feedback and any previous question paper that you
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