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Friday, November 19, 2010

Xml and Web services Nov/Dec 2010

M.C.A. Degree Examination,Nov/Dec 2010
          Fourth Semester



1. What is W3C ?
2. What are entities ? Give examples .
3. Write difference between XSLT and CSS.
4. What are name spaces in XML ?
5. Give the difference between GET and POST method.
6. What are the parts of SOAP message?
7. What are the different types of pages in web service registry?
8. What is ebXML?
9. List the available XML security technologies.
10. What are the 3 basic security requirements for e-business?


11.(a).(i). Write in detail about the various presentation technologies.(6)
11.(a).(ii). Explain server oriented architecture.(10)
11.(b).(i). Write an XML document to illustrate elements, attributes and DATA section. (10)
11.(b).(ii). Discuss the structure of XHTML. (6)

12.(a). Create a DTD for payroll of an employee. Write a program to retieve the elements and attributes of the XML document and display the salary statement. (16)
12.(b).(i). Explain the hierarchy of XML schema data types.(10)
12.(b).(ii). Explain the use of DTD for structuring the XML document.(6)

13.(a).(i). Explain the structure of SOAP protocol. (10)
13.(a).(ii). What is XML RPC? Explain in detail with the help of a diagram . (6)
13.(b). Explain the SOAP message structures and illustrate SOAP with attachments. (16)

14.(a).(i). Explain in datail manipulating as WSDL. (10)
14.(a).(ii). Explain the various components of web services. (6)
14.(b).(i). Describe the usage of UDDI in error recovery. (6)
14.(b).(ii). Explain the components of ebXML technology. (10)

15.(a).(i). Explain briefly the following:  (10)
           (i) XML encryption.
    (ii) Canonicalization
15.(a).(ii). Explain XKMS. (6)
15.(b).(i). Explain XML security framework. (8)
15.(b).(i). Discuss the elements of digital signature. (8)

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Microprocessors and its application

M.C.A. Degree Examination,Nov/Dec 2008
          Third Semester

Answer all the questions


1. What are the functions of a microprocessor within the microcomputer?
2. What is the use of sP register in 8085 and how can the contents of HL register be located to sP in 8085 Microprocessors?
3. If the contents of flag register of 8086 is 0000, 1101 0101 0100.What does each flag bit represent about the current status of the processor ?
4. Consider the program segment.
    MOV BX, 6030H
    RCL BX, 08H
    MOV AX, BX
   What are the contents of AX,BX, and CY after the above segment finish execution ?
5. How the signals BHE and AO are used in transferrring the data to and from the memory to the microprocessor ?
6. What are the instructions used by 8086 for data transfer using standard I/O and memory mapped I/O ? Give example for ecah case.
7. Explain the flag bits that are available in 80386 but not in 8086.
8. Which is the pin that makes the 80386 to interface 32 and 16 bit data buses ? Explain the pin used in transferring either 16 bit or 32 bit data into processor.
9. What are the main functions for interfacing a keyboard ? Explain.
10. How does 8087 work in parallel and indepedent of the processor 80806 ?


11.(a). With a functional block diagram of 8086 explain its register architecture and use of each registers. (16)
11.(b).(i). Distinguish between instruction cycle, machine cycle and clock cycle. (4)
11.(b).(ii). Explain the timing signals that are triggered when executing the following instruction in 8085. (12)
       (i). MVI M,data
    (ii). MOV M ,B

12.(a). Describe in detail the internal architecture of 8086. Also explain how pipelining is achieved in 8086. (16)
12.(b). Explain with example the different addressing modes available in 8086. (16)

13.(a).(i). Why there are two different modes of operation exist in 8086? How is it selected? 8086 MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM MODES of operation MN/MX. (5)
13.(a).(ii). Explain the functions of all the signals used in minimum mode of 8086. (11)
13.(b).(i). 8086 is interfaced to an byte arganized memory. Justify this statement. (5)
13.(b).(ii). How is ROM/EPROM interfaced to the 8086 processor? Explain with a diagram. (11)

14.(a). Describe in detail the 3 different modes of operation of 80386. (16)
14.(b). With a block diagram showing the internal functional units of Pentium processor explain its working. (16)

15.(a).(i). Give the fundamental description on how a CRT works. (6)
15.(a).(ii). Explain as to how a 8275 CRT controller is interfaced to a microcomputer system. (10)
15.(b).(i). What do you mean by serial and parallel printers? Explain how the characters are generated in LRC 7040 printers. (6)
15.(b).(ii). Describe the working of 8295 printer controller chip as a printer interface to a microprocessor with a diagram. (10)

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TCP/IP Notes

2 Marks Questions and Answers
MC1628 – TCP/IP Protocol Suite

1. What are called network support layers?
The physical, data link, and network layers are the network support layers.

2. What are called User support layers?
The session, presentation, and application layers are the user support layers.

3. Why we need Transport layer?
The transport layer links the network support layers and the user support layers.

4. What is the purpose of Physical layer?
The physical layer coordinates the functions required to transmit a bit stream over a physical medium.

5. What is the use of Data link layer?
The data link layer is responsible for delivering data units from one station to the next without errors.

6. What is the need for Network layer?
The network layer is responsible for the source-to-destination delivery of a packet across multiple network links.

7. What is the purpose of seven layer?
The transport layer is responsible for the source-to-destination delivery of the entire message.The session layer establishes, maintains, and synchronizes the interactions between communicating devices. The presentation layer ensures interoperability between communicating devices through transformation of data into a mutually agreed-upon format. The application layer enables the users to access the network.

8. What is PPP?
The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) was designed for users who need a reliable
point-to-point connection to the Internet. PPP operates at the physical and data link layers of the OSI model.

9. What is LANE ?
Local Area Network Emulation (LANE) is a client/server model that allows the  use of ATM technology in LANs.

10. What are the servers included in LANE?
LANE software includes LAN emulation client (LEC), LAN emulation configura tion server (LECS), LAN emulation server (LES), and broadcast/unknown server (BUS) modules.

11. What is subnetting ?
Subnetting divides one large network into several smaller ones. Subnetting adds an intermediate level of hierarchy in IP addressing.

12. What is meant by masking ?
Masking is a process that extracts the network address from an IP address. Subnet masking is a process that extracts the subnetwork address from an IP address. A network on subnet address is obtained from applying the bit-wise AND operation on the IP address and the mask.

13. What is supernetting?
Supernetting combines several networks into one large one.

14. What is meant by connectionless protocol?
The IP protocol is a connectionless protocol. Every packet is independent and has no relationship to any other packet.

15. What is direct delivery?
The delivery of a packet is called direct if the deliverer (host or router) and the destination are on the same network.

16. What is indirect delivery ?
The delivery of a packet is called indirect if the deliverer (host or router) and the destination are on different networks

17. What is the function of routing table?
Every host or router has a routing table to route IP packets. In next hop routing instead of a complete list of the stops the packet must make only the address of the next hop is listed in the routing table. In network specific routing all hosts on a network share one entry in the routing table. In hostspecific routing the full IP address of a host is given in the routing table. In default routing, a router is assigned to receive all packets with no match in the routing table.

18. What is static and dynamic routing ?
A static routing table’s entries are updated manually by an administrator. A dynamic routing table’s entries are updated automatically by a routing protocol.

19. What are the fields included in routing table?
The routing table can consist of seven fields: a mask, a destination address, a next-hop address, flags, a reference count, a use, and an interface. The routing module applies the mask, row by row, to the received destination address until a match is found. Classless addressing requires hierarchical and geographical routing to prevent immense routing tables.

20. What is the maximum length of a datagram?
The maximum length of a datagram is 65,535 bytes.

21. What is Maximum Transfer Unit ?
The MTU is the maximum number of bytes that a data link protocol can encapsulate. MTUs vary from protocol to protocol.

22. What is Fragmentation?
Fragmentation is the division of a datagram into smaller units to accommodate the MTU of a data link protocol. The fields in the IP header that relate to fragmentation are the identification number, the fragmentation flags, and the fragmentation offset. The IP datagram header consists of a fixed, 20- byte section and a variable options section with a maximum of 40 bytes.

23. How the errors are detected in IP?
The error detection method used by IP is the checksum. The checksum uses one’s complement arithmetic to add equal-size sections of the IP header. The complemented result is stored in the checksum field. The receiver also uses one’s complement arithmetic to check the header.

24. What are the modules and tables in IP package?
An IP package can consist of the following: a header-adding module, a processing module, a routing module, a fragmentation module, a reassembly module, a routing table, an MTU table, and a reassembly table.

25. What is the purpose of OSI Model?
The seven-layer OSI model provides guidelines for the development of universally compatible networking protocols.

26. Explain the purpose of various layers?
The physical layer coordinates the functions required to transmit a bit stream over a physical medium.The data link layer is responsible for delivering data units from one station to the next without errors. The network layer is responsible for the source-to-destination delivery of a packet across multiple network links. The transport layer is responsible for the source-to-destination delivery of the entire message. The session layer establishes, maintains, and synchronizes the interactions between communicating devices. The presentation layer ensures interoperability between communicating devices through transformation of data into a mutually agreed-upon format. The application layer enables the users to access the network.

27. Explain the three types of addresses in TCP/IP?
Three types of addresses are used by systems using the TCP/IP protocol: the physical address, the internetwork address (IP address), and the port address. The physical address, also known as the link address, is the address of a node as defined by its LAN or WAN. The IP address uniquely defines a host on the Internet. The port address identifies a process on a host.

28. What is ATM?
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is the cell relay protocol designed to support the transmission of data, voice, and video through high data rate transmission media such as fiber-optic cable.

29. Explain connecting devices?
Connecting devices can connect segments of a network together; they can also connect networks together to create an internet.

30. Explain various types of connecting devices?
There are five types of connecting devices: repeaters, hubs, bridges, routers, and switches.Repeaters regenerate a signal at the physical layer. A hub is a multiport repeater. Bridges have access to station addresses and can forward or filter a packet in a network. They operate at the physical and data link layers. Routers determine the path a packet should take. They operate at the physical,datalink, and network layers. A two-layer switch is a sophisticated bridge; a three-layer switch is a sophisticated router.

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Object Oriented Analysis and Design April May 2010

M.C.A. Degree Examination,April/May 2010
          Fourth Semester


1. State the significance of Object Oriented approach.
2. What is prototyping and why is it useful ?
3. Differentiate between patterns and frameworks.
4. What is the strength of OMT ?
5. What is the 80-20 rule ? Give its importance ?
6. List the rules to name the classes ?
7. How do design axioms help avoid design pitfalls ?
8. List out the different ways to provide User feedback.
9. Define regression testing.
10. State the debugging principles.


11.(a).(i). How does the object oriented approach differ from the traditional top-down approach ? Discuss. (4)
11.(a).(ii). Illustrate the relationship among the classes and objects. (12)
11.(b). Explain the 3 macro processes of object-oriented system development approach. (16)

12.(a). Describe the Jacobson's methodology to develop the object-oriented system. (16)
12.(b).(i). Give the Use case Diagram for a Library Information System. (8)
12.(b).(ii). Compare sequence versus collaboration diagram with an example. (8)

13.(a). Describe the noun phrase approach to identify the classes for a Library Information System. (16)
13.(b).(i). How would you identify the Object relationships ? Explain. (12)
13.(b).(ii). Why are classes, responsibilities, and collaborators useful ? (4)

14.(a).(i). What are public and private protocols ? What is the significance of separating these 2 protocols? (6)
14.(a).(ii). Explain how the Object Oriented design axioms and corollaries help in object-Oriented design. (10)
14.(b).(i). Describe the processes of creating the access layer classes. (8)
14.(b).(ii). Explain the activities involved in the micro-level process for designing the view layer classes. (8)

15.(a).(i). DEscribe the different testing strategies. (10)
15.(a).(ii). List out the steps needed to create a test plan. (6)
15.(b). Discuss the guidelines for developing usability testing and user satisfaction testing with suitable example. (16)

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