Fourth Semester
1. What are the various file types supported by Unix ?
2. what does a return value of 0 from Printf mean ?
3. What are unreliable signals ?
4. Define process group and session ?
5. Give an example for co-process ?
6. What happens if the "cmdstring" executed by popen with a type "r" writes to its standard error ?
7. What is the use of SO_BROADCAST option ?
8. What are the characteristics of streaming service ?
9. What is the use of trace route tool ?
10. Give the syntax of accept function and explain the operations ?
11.(a).(i). Explain how UNIX allows sharing of files between different processes.(10)
11.(a).(ii). Explain the various buffering schemes provided by the standard I/O library ?(6)
11.(b).(i). Draw the file system layout of unix and explain.(10)
11.(b).(ii). Explain the operations of creating a directory in the existing file system.(6)
12.(a).(i). Explain the operation of "system" function with an example.(8)
12.(a).(ii). What is process accounting ? Give the structure of accounting record.(8)
12.(b).(i). With a neat block diagram explain the memory layout of a 'C' Program.(10)
12.(b).(ii). What is environment list? What is the use of the list ? (6)
13.(a).(i). What are FIFOs ? How they are different from Pipes. (6)
13.(a).(ii). Give an example application where FIFO can be used. (10)
13.(b). Elaborately discuss the System V IPC mechanisms.(16)
14.(a). Give the syntax and write a note on the following functions?
(i). htons() (ii) listen() (iii) sendto() (iv) recvfrom()
14.(b).(i). What are raw sockets ? What is the use of them?(4)
14.(b).(ii). What are the steps involved in getting connected to a TCP server ? Draw a state diagram to show diagram to show the states involved.(12)
15.(a). Explain the operation of trace route tool with necessary ICMP messages.(16)
15.(b). Write a client server application to identify the machines connected to a network.(16)
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