Fourth Semester
1. What is meant by dynamic binding?
2. What are meta classes and abstract classes ?
3. What is the use of an interaction diagram ?
4. Define extensibility ?
5. What is the significance of use case model ?
6. Define object responsibility?
7. Mention the general purpose of a view layer interface.
8. Mention the major activites involved in the micro development process ?
9. What is meant by a Test Plan ?
10. Write about usability testing ?
11.(a).(i). What is meant object oriented modeling and design ? Describe the general aspects of object oriented approach.(12)
11.(a).(ii). Write a note on information hiding.(4)
11.(b). Explain the object oriented system development life cycle in detail with suitable example. (16)
12.(a). Write notes on following:
(i). Unified approach to object Modeling. (6)
(ii). Static UML notations. (6)
(iii). Patterns and Frameworks. (4)
12.(b). Design a system for electronic voting machine with the following diagrams.
(i). Use case diagram. (4)
(ii). Class diagram. (4)
(iii). Object diagram. (4)
(iv). Interaction diagram. (4)
13.(a). Write notes on following: [ 4* 4= 16 ]
(i). Documentation.
(ii). Classification.
(iii). Super sub classes.
(iv). Use case model.
13.(b). Explain to how you would identify the relationship among classes in OOA in detail with suitable example ? (16)
14.(a).(i). Explain the rules involving design of a classes and method in detail with suitable example. (8)
14.(a).(ii). Describe the macro process of object oriented development. (8)
14.(b). Explain in detail the purpose of a view layer interface and process of designing interface object with suitable example. (16)
15.(a).(i). Define satisfaction in testing strategies and explain satisfaction testing with the guidelines for development satisfaction testing. (8)
15.(a).(ii). What is meant by S/W quality assurance ? Describe the imporatance of S/W Quality assurance plan. (8)
15.(b).(i). What are test cases ? Mention the objectives and the guidelines for developing Test cases. (8)
15.(b).(ii). What are Top Down Testing and Buttom Up Testing ? Discuss their advantages and disadvantages ? (8)
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