M.C.A. Degree Examination,Nov/Dec 2008
Third Semester
Answer all the questions
1. What are the functions of a microprocessor within the microcomputer?
2. What is the use of sP register in 8085 and how can the contents of HL register be located to sP in 8085 Microprocessors?
3. If the contents of flag register of 8086 is 0000, 1101 0101 0100.What does each flag bit represent about the current status of the processor ?
4. Consider the program segment.
MOV BX, 6030H
What are the contents of AX,BX, and CY after the above segment finish execution ?
5. How the signals BHE and AO are used in transferrring the data to and from the memory to the microprocessor ?
6. What are the instructions used by 8086 for data transfer using standard I/O and memory mapped I/O ? Give example for ecah case.
7. Explain the flag bits that are available in 80386 but not in 8086.
8. Which is the pin that makes the 80386 to interface 32 and 16 bit data buses ? Explain the pin used in transferring either 16 bit or 32 bit data into processor.
9. What are the main functions for interfacing a keyboard ? Explain.
10. How does 8087 work in parallel and indepedent of the processor 80806 ?
11.(a). With a functional block diagram of 8086 explain its register architecture and use of each registers. (16)
11.(b).(i). Distinguish between instruction cycle, machine cycle and clock cycle. (4)
11.(b).(ii). Explain the timing signals that are triggered when executing the following instruction in 8085. (12)
(i). MVI M,data
(ii). MOV M ,B
12.(a). Describe in detail the internal architecture of 8086. Also explain how pipelining is achieved in 8086. (16)
12.(b). Explain with example the different addressing modes available in 8086. (16)
13.(a).(i). Why there are two different modes of operation exist in 8086? How is it selected? 8086 MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM MODES of operation MN/MX. (5)
13.(a).(ii). Explain the functions of all the signals used in minimum mode of 8086. (11)
13.(b).(i). 8086 is interfaced to an byte arganized memory. Justify this statement. (5)
13.(b).(ii). How is ROM/EPROM interfaced to the 8086 processor? Explain with a diagram. (11)
14.(a). Describe in detail the 3 different modes of operation of 80386. (16)
14.(b). With a block diagram showing the internal functional units of Pentium processor explain its working. (16)
15.(a).(i). Give the fundamental description on how a CRT works. (6)
15.(a).(ii). Explain as to how a 8275 CRT controller is interfaced to a microcomputer system. (10)
15.(b).(i). What do you mean by serial and parallel printers? Explain how the characters are generated in LRC 7040 printers. (6)
15.(b).(ii). Describe the working of 8295 printer controller chip as a printer interface to a microprocessor with a diagram. (10)
Friends please send ur suggestion, feedback and any previous question paper that you
have to : kishanraj.vlr@gmail.com
It will be posted along with ur name.
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