M.C.A. Degree Examination,Nov/Dec 2010
Fourth Semester
1. What is W3C ?
2. What are entities ? Give examples .
3. Write difference between XSLT and CSS.
4. What are name spaces in XML ?
5. Give the difference between GET and POST method.
6. What are the parts of SOAP message?
7. What are the different types of pages in web service registry?
8. What is ebXML?
9. List the available XML security technologies.
10. What are the 3 basic security requirements for e-business?
11.(a).(i). Write in detail about the various presentation technologies.(6)
11.(a).(ii). Explain server oriented architecture.(10)
11.(b).(i). Write an XML document to illustrate elements, attributes and DATA section. (10)
11.(b).(ii). Discuss the structure of XHTML. (6)
12.(a). Create a DTD for payroll of an employee. Write a program to retieve the elements and attributes of the XML document and display the salary statement. (16)
12.(b).(i). Explain the hierarchy of XML schema data types.(10)
12.(b).(ii). Explain the use of DTD for structuring the XML document.(6)
13.(a).(i). Explain the structure of SOAP protocol. (10)
13.(a).(ii). What is XML RPC? Explain in detail with the help of a diagram . (6)
13.(b). Explain the SOAP message structures and illustrate SOAP with attachments. (16)
14.(a).(i). Explain in datail manipulating as WSDL. (10)
14.(a).(ii). Explain the various components of web services. (6)
14.(b).(i). Describe the usage of UDDI in error recovery. (6)
14.(b).(ii). Explain the components of ebXML technology. (10)
15.(a).(i). Explain briefly the following: (10)
(i) XML encryption.
(ii) Canonicalization
15.(a).(ii). Explain XKMS. (6)
15.(b).(i). Explain XML security framework. (8)
15.(b).(i). Discuss the elements of digital signature. (8)
Friends please send ur suggestion, feedback and any previous question paper that you
have to : kishanraj.vlr@gmail.com
Fourth Semester
1. What is W3C ?
2. What are entities ? Give examples .
3. Write difference between XSLT and CSS.
4. What are name spaces in XML ?
5. Give the difference between GET and POST method.
6. What are the parts of SOAP message?
7. What are the different types of pages in web service registry?
8. What is ebXML?
9. List the available XML security technologies.
10. What are the 3 basic security requirements for e-business?
11.(a).(i). Write in detail about the various presentation technologies.(6)
11.(a).(ii). Explain server oriented architecture.(10)
11.(b).(i). Write an XML document to illustrate elements, attributes and DATA section. (10)
11.(b).(ii). Discuss the structure of XHTML. (6)
12.(a). Create a DTD for payroll of an employee. Write a program to retieve the elements and attributes of the XML document and display the salary statement. (16)
12.(b).(i). Explain the hierarchy of XML schema data types.(10)
12.(b).(ii). Explain the use of DTD for structuring the XML document.(6)
13.(a).(i). Explain the structure of SOAP protocol. (10)
13.(a).(ii). What is XML RPC? Explain in detail with the help of a diagram . (6)
13.(b). Explain the SOAP message structures and illustrate SOAP with attachments. (16)
14.(a).(i). Explain in datail manipulating as WSDL. (10)
14.(a).(ii). Explain the various components of web services. (6)
14.(b).(i). Describe the usage of UDDI in error recovery. (6)
14.(b).(ii). Explain the components of ebXML technology. (10)
15.(a).(i). Explain briefly the following: (10)
(i) XML encryption.
(ii) Canonicalization
15.(a).(ii). Explain XKMS. (6)
15.(b).(i). Explain XML security framework. (8)
15.(b).(i). Discuss the elements of digital signature. (8)
Friends please send ur suggestion, feedback and any previous question paper that you
have to : kishanraj.vlr@gmail.com